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5 corporate activity ideas with an olympic theme

5 corporate activity ideas with an olympic theme

The Paris 2024 Olympic Games offer a unique opportunity to energize the office atmosphere while strengthening team spirit. Organizing thematic activities inspired by this historic event can transform your workplace into an arena of celebration and collaboration. In this article, Atawa reveals 5 corporate activity ideas with an Olympic theme to bring the Olympic spirit to your workplace and how Atawa can help you make these ideas a reality.


Corporate olympics



Have you ever thought about recreating (almost) Olympic competitions at your workplace? This is the goal of corporate Olympics ! Relay races, precision games, and agility tests can be perfectly adapted to the office environment. These activities allow everyone to showcase their athletic talents while having fun, providing a great opportunity to learn more about colleagues! Whether it's a wheelchair race in the hallways or throwing paper balls into bins, corporate Olympics can be suited to any professional environment.


Activité sportive en entreprise avec Atawa



The main objective of these Olympics is to strengthen team spirit by encouraging employees to work together to win events. These activities also promote physical activity and workplace health, helping to reduce stress and improve overall employee well-being.


Practical tips

To ensure your Olympics run smoothly, you'll need to set up specific areas for each event to guarantee safety and proper activity flow. Make sure to plan enticing rewards for the winners, such as personalized medals or additional days off. Atawa can assist in organizing these sporting challenges by providing tents, stands, and all necessary equipment to create a functional and secure space, even in small spaces.


Espace détente événement sportif Atawa


Creative challenges with an olympic theme



To immerse yourself in the Olympic atmosphere, you can also launch creative challenges such as designing costumes inspired by Olympic disciplines, creating thematic videos, or decorating offices in Olympic colors. These activities allow employees to unleash their imagination and showcase their artistic talents.



Stimulate creativity and innovation while promoting engagement and cooperation within teams. These challenges offer a welcome break from daily tasks and encourage a new dynamic of collaboration.


Practical tips

For organizing such a contest, gather a jury composed of management members and employee representatives. Their mission? Evaluate the creations and reward the most remarkable achievements. Offer attractive prizes, such as gift cards or team-building activities, to motivate participation. You could also incorporate collective brainstorming sessions to help generate ideas and strengthen team spirit. Rely on Atawa to provide decoration elements and audiovisual equipment to facilitate the realization of these creative projects, ensuring each team has the necessary resources to bring their ideas to life.


👉 Also read : Organizing a community event during the Olympic Games


Olympic quiz and general knowledge games



Quizzes and general knowledge games centered on the Olympic Games are also an option to consider. Challenge your employees with questions about the history of the Games, legendary athletes, and various sports disciplines. These activities can take place as weekly sessions or major one-off events.



The main advantage of these games is that they promote learning and general culture while offering a fun and interactive moment for all employees. These activities encourage healthy competitiveness and teamwork while enriching everyone's knowledge of the Olympic Games.


Practical tips

Use interactive online quiz platforms, such as Kahoot or Quizizz, to facilitate participation from everyone, regardless of their location. You can also organize live sessions with a host to energize the event. Need giant screens or sound systems to create an immersive and engaging atmosphere for participants? The entire Atawa team is at your disposal.


team building Atawa


Olympic-themed cooking workshops



You can also propose cooking workshops where participants can prepare dishes inspired by countries participating in the Olympics or create original recipes related to the Olympic theme. These workshops can include culinary demonstrations, participatory cooking sessions, and tastings.



The goal here is to encourage collaboration around a convivial activity while discovering and savoring international flavors. These workshops offer an opportunity to strengthen bonds between colleagues in a relaxed and enjoyable manner.


Practical tips

Hire a chef or a specialized facilitator to guide the workshops and ensure all participants can taste the creations. Offer a variety of recipes adapted to different dietary restrictions to include everyone. Atawa can organize mobile kitchens and tasting spaces equipped with all necessary equipment to guarantee a smooth and enjoyable culinary experience. Additionally, they can provide thematic decoration elements to immerse participants in the Olympic ambiance.


👉 Also read : Innovative themes for your corporate events


Décor événement d'entreprise Atawa


Office decoration and award ceremonies



To celebrate this event properly and instill that special atmosphere, transform your workspace with decorations in the Olympic colors and organize an award ceremony to honor the successes and contributions of your employees during the Olympic activities. This can include banners, posters, balloons, and other thematic decoration elements.



By decorating your professional premises, the aim is to create a festive atmosphere and recognize the exceptional efforts of your teams in a playful and motivating way. Public recognition and celebrations boost employee morale and motivation, creating a positive corporate culture.


Practical tips

Actively involve your teams in decorating the office to create a community spirit. Plan a structured ceremony with inspiring speeches, symbolic rewards, and moments of conviviality to celebrate the achievements together. Atawa, with its 7 years of experience and attention to detail, provides podiums, red carpets, and sound systems for a professional and memorable award ceremony.

Making your employees live in rhythm with the Olympic Games is not just about following the event, but about offering them an engaging and enriching experience. These 5 activity ideas offer a variety of options for all tastes, aiming to strengthen team cohesion while adding a festive touch to your work environment

Write by Pauline - 25 July 2024

Let's talk about your upcoming corporate event